
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man. Mark Twain

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by chance

"It says that whenever people cross our paths, there is always a message for us. Chance encounters do not exist. But how we respond to these encounters determines whether we're able to receive the message. If we have a conversation with someone who crosses our path and we not see a message pertaining to our current questions, it does not mean there was no message. It only means we missed it for some reason"

James Redfield, The Celestine Prohecy
詹姆士雷德非, 聖預言書

How then did I meet Rosina?
9 years ago, on Old Bailey's Street, Hong Kong in the New Age Shop, I stumble upon an animal communicator among other spiritually gifted people. I enquire about her but was told this animal communicator can only communicate with my pet being physically there. Well, that is not possible as I live in Singapore. 9 years after, I had the opportunity to be introduced to my teacher and very good friend, Rosina Maria Arquati.
我是怎麼遇到Rosina ?
約九年前,我在香港奧卑利街一間新時代(New Age)主題商店內,我在眾多擁有天賦的人之中遇到一位動物傳心師。我向她請教關於動物傳心的事情,她表示只動物傳心師只可以跟動物作面對面的溝通。可是,因為我本身住在新加坡,所以面對面溝通對我來就是不可能的。在九年後,我透過一位老師兼好友的介紹認識了Rosina Maria Arquati

Everything happens for a reason!! Nothing happens by chance. Back then I was not ready to learn this hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo animal communication but like James Redfield said "It only means I missed it for some reason".
每件事發生總有一個原因! 没有事情只是出於偶然的. 回想當年我没有學習那騙人, 不正宗的動物傳心術, 就正如詹姆士雷德非而非所言「這代表我當時放棄(錯過)這個學習機會是有原因的」。

In December last year, one of Rosina's students in Singapore, did energy healing for my (then) 12-year-old miniature bull terrier, Scuba. We started talking about animal communication and healing and she told me her teacher is someone by the name of Rosina. Deep in my conscious mind, that name rings a bell but where have I seen or heard this name. Then when I was clearing away some old stuff, I found a leaflet containing information about Rosina and other spiritually gifted angels.
在去年十二月, Rosina其中一位在新加坡的學生為我那隻十二歲的迷你牛頭梗犬進行能量治療。我們開始談及動物傳心術及治療的事情,她告訴我她的老師是Rosina。當我聽到這個名字後,我心深處驀然記起我應該曾經在某處聽過或見過Rosina這個名字。後來當我執拾舊東西時,我找到一張介紹Rosina及其他具備天賦的靈性工作者(其他屬靈天使) 的小冊子。

I wanted someone to talk to a pup I recently adopted who is a handful and also someone to heal my critically ill dog. I called Lynda Goh (Rosina's student in Singapore), and asked her if she can introduce me to Rosina.
我想找人跟新收養的小狗談談,因為牠難以馴服及管教,而且我也想找人治癒我那隻病危的狗。我請Rosina 在新加坡的學生Lynda Goh轉介Rosina 給我。

In May this year, I took my foundation Animal Communication (AC) class and since then went on to finish the intermediate and advance class. I am practicing AC (which I hope to be better at) and healing. Because of Rosina, I have to date, did healing for a horse, 4 dogs and 2 cats. Most importantly, I have healed my own fur kid. I am thankful to Rosina who has taught and guided me all this while.

Meeting Rosina is both a fate and destiny? Fate as an outcome on meeting Rosina and Destiny as animal communication and energy healing are choices I chose.
Rosina的相遇是命運的安排還是天命所歸? 命運最終讓我遇到了Rosina,而我則選擇了動物傳心及能量治療工作為我的天命。

Author 作者: Vivian Choo
Translated By : Candace Choi

Source: Animal Talk Ltd October Newsletter 2016

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"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."- Unknown